
book your stay

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Children
  • Room
    1 Room
  • Adults (Maximum: 6 Guests/Room)
    1 Adult per room
  • Children (Maximum: 6 guests/room)
    0 Children Per room

What to Know

W South Beach - What to Know

Miami’s Best

Miami Beach has the hottest vibes in North America.

Talk Like a Local




It can mean just about anything. Okay, Let’s Go, Do it, Congratulations, Later, Goodbye

“Drinks at mine before we hit the town? —Dalé!”

Closest Airport

Miami International Airport (MIA)


United States Dollar (USD)



What to Do

W South Beach - What to Do

Prime 112

One of the highest grossing restaurants in the entire United States, Prime 112 is where you go to see, and be seen.

27 Restaurant & Bar

Nestled in a 1930s restored Art Deco home, 27 Restaurant’s menu represents all of the cultures that make Miami a Melting Pot.


Baoli serves Mediterranean fare with some Asian influences, and their supper-club ambiance is always a hit – especially on Wednesday nights.

Sushi by Bou

Experience Gianni Versace’s Mansion like never before, with an intimate omakase dinner in their hidden Sushi Suite.

Where to Stay