

1 Zimmer, 1 Erwachsener, 0 Kinder
  • Room
    1 Room
  • Adults (Maximum: 6 Guests/Room)
    1 Adult per room
  • Children (Maximum: 6 guests/room)
    0 Children Per room

What To know

Das Bild zeigt die reich verzierte Fassade des Grand Hotel Europa mit aufwendigen architektonischen Details und einer goldenen Skulptur auf dem Dach. Die Stadtlandschaft im Hintergrund umfasst weitere historische Gebäude und einen entfernten Hügel mit einem Gebäude darauf.


As the new social soul of the city, W Prague breathes life into the former and famed Grand Hotel Evropa. This stunning Art Nouveau building, once a witness to many historical moments and a boundary-pusher in the 1900s, now returns to do so again in true W fashion. Throughout the 161 luxurious suites and guest rooms, bold and whimsical designs with golden details adorn the interior, evoking the essence of Alchemy. The secret ingredient? An expansive culinary journey that’s a masterclass in contrasting flavors and genres. Where nature meets modernity and reality mingles with fantasy.

Talk Like a Local.



Means “thank you.”

It’s always good to know how to express gratitude when you’re in a new place!

„Moc děkuji za vaši laskavost. Thank you very much for your kindness.“

Closest Airport

Václav Havel Airport


Czech Crown (CZK or Kč)



What to do

Zwei Personen stehen in einer U-Bahnstation. Eine liest eine Zeitung, während die andere zur Seite schaut. Die Station verfügt über eine geflieste Wand und einen schwach beleuchteten Bahnsteig. Beide Personen tragen Jacken.

Ingredients store

A boutique offering a selection of the latest cult beauty products from throughout the world such as unique perfumes, skincare and candles. All of the products sold at Ingredients are made from the world’s finest raw materials. The fine fragrances offered at Ingredients that include such prestigious brands as Byredo, Comme des Garcons, LM Parfums, Histoires de Parfums, Escentric Molecules, and Boadicea the Victorious. At Ingredients you can also experience fine facials and other beauty treatments.

Prague castle and St. Vitus Cathedral

Prague Castle and St. Vitus Cathedral are two of the most iconic landmarks in Prague, offering a rich tapestry of history and architecture. The castle, a sprawling complex that has served as the seat of power for centuries, is a treasure trove of historical buildings, gardens, and museums. Within its walls, you’ll find St. Vitus Cathedral, a stunning Gothic church that took nearly 600 years to complete. The cathedral is famous for its beautiful stained glass windows and the tomb of St. Wenceslas.

Marie B.

An experiental restaurant serving a secret menu with wine pairings. It is nestled in Dlouhá street and offers an exceptional dining experience. Reservation recommended.

Groove Bar

Groove Bar in Prague is a stylish cocktail bar located in the city center, known for its unique atmosphere and refined taste in music. It features a wide range of cocktails, draft beer, and live DJ performances from Thursday to Saturday. Enjoy a vibrant nightlife experience.

Where to Stay